Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Accepting the Mission of Lab Ship #815

       "We accept the mission, Sir" You say without even hesitating.  "Globalcon thanks you and your team for your heroic actions!"  Said the man as the call ended.  You click off your screen as you look back over at Petry who is standing frozen holding a tray of dirty dishes.  "Sorry Pete." You say as you begin to get dressed.

        It is the late afternoon and you have assembled all of your crew.  Which consisted of Ginga, your pilot, Atton, your cook and Bronston, your navigator.  These are the finest men and women available and you feel a sense of pride seeing them preparing the ship. You help finish up the loading and you all pile in, including your robot, Petry.  Your ship is a pretty decent size ship, not the newest, or the fastest, but she can definitely get you to where you need to go.  You and your crew take one last look at your home planet and the ship closes its doors.  
     Ginga, a short middle aged and attractive woman, with long brunette hair pulled back in a low pony tail, brushes by you.
    "So are you scared?" she says as she sits down in the pilots chair and begins pushing buttons.  "I mean, I've never heard of anyone returning from Sierg alive."
    "Believe me , I've already heard all the statistics" you say as you shoot a sarcastic glance at your wellmeaning robot.  "but...I am worried about the 815, there are entire families on that ship."
    "I know, its terrible" Ginga added sorrowfully.
    Atton, a heavy older man with soft round features and a practically balding head, rushes by you trying to balance the large amount of kitchen utensils in his arms.  "Sorry!" he says in passing as he accidently steps on Gingas foot. She let out a small "Eep!" as his foot let off hers.
     Now Bronston, you didn't know as well as the others.  The others you had been to school with and had practically grown up with.  But Bronston had been sent over by Globalcon themselves.  He stood over in the corner with a handheld holographic  computer of some sort.  This must be a newly released device, you have never seen one quite like it.  It does all the things your computer does, but at a size no larger than his palm.  The holograph was pulling up galaxys and solar systems.  It was really fascinating to watch.  It was then that you really took notice of Bronston himself.  He was a huge man, wide shouldered and very tall.  He looked quite rough and stern, like the type of man you would never want as your enemy.
         You head to your private chambers and immediately lay on your bed.  Surprisingly more comfortable than you would think.  You have a small square window at the foot of your bed.  You turn over and glance out.  You see the open black nothingness and your thoughts begin to wonder.  You think about Seirg and the dangers that think of the Lab ship...and you have drifted asleep.  
        You sleep for hours and suddenly Ginga has burst into your room.  "Sorry to wake you sir! But we have been hit by a meteor! "  You sit straight up as your sleep fuzziness fades away fast.  "What?!"  "All it hit was the fuel line, It's nothing major but it's causing the fuel to leak!  I don't think we will have enough to get the Sierg galaxy! We can have a ship come refuel us, it would take a few days but it would be the safest option. "   Right about that time Petry, who had been waiting for you to wake rolls into the room.  "Sir based on the calculations I believe we have a %90 chance of making it the Seirg galaxy before the fuel runs out.  There is a peaceful planet right outside of the galaxy that I believe would help us. The lab ship is counting on us."   Before you can answer, Bronston rushes in past Ginga without an apology as he pushes her to the side.  "We need to stop.  There is no way we can make it and no guarantee that planet will help us" he said bluntly.  "We are right next to planet Jayos and we can refuel there. We will be of no use to Globalcon if we need rescuing ourselves, or if we arrive so late that they are never to be found or dead" He added condescendingly as he looked at Petry and Ginga.  You sit there with Ginga, Petry and Bronston waiting for your decision.

What Do You Do Now?

1.   You decide to follow Ginga's idea and call an assistant ship to come refuel you.  It would be the safest option, but it would take the longest and who knows what would happen to the Lab ship in the meantime.

2.   You decide to follow Petry's calculations and head to the Sierg galaxy, it would take the least amount of time because you would not have to go out of your way.  But who knows if that planet is still friendly.  And once in the Sierg galaxy, would you find fuel again?

3.  You follow Bronston's idea.  You were surprised by his bluntness and for lack of better words meanness, but since there is a nearby planet, it would be the safer and quicker of the three.
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RJ said...

3) follow Bronston's idea

Acou said...

i'd say 2) Petry's calculations

if they're correct, this will be the best solution! :) great work btw! :D

Barnacle said...

3) Follow Bronston!
Refueling and fixing the ship wouldn't take long and we would have bigger chances of getting to the lab-ship on time with a fully repaired ship.

ikatashi said...

great read, im hooked- i think i would go with numba 2

Hidden Blogger said...

#3 is most logical!

mandellameats said...

amazing concept!

Anonymous said...

i am with number 2 myself.

Splash87 said...

#3 Fuel up and repair

kmartsmartsuperstar said...

2.) Petry knows what's going down!

RoodNverse said...

#3!!!!door #3!!! i hope its a new fuking car!!!!!

Dan said...

2 2 2 2 2 2
Petry is the man.

OneFourSeven said...

Oh god I love blogs like these. But I always sit out the first round and THEN jump in, so I can get into the story more.

anontcotrol said...

loce this idea!

Tip Junkies said...

I will choose number 2

2. You decide to follow Petry's calculations and head to the Sierg galaxy, it would take the least amount of time because you would not have to go out of your way. But who knows if that planet is still friendly. And once in the Sierg galaxy, would you find fuel again?

Bambi said...

Great blog. thanks for the support. returning it now :)

Jehabbi said...

Exciting I say

jeanjean said...

go for 3

Hester Prynne said...

Option #3. Bronston's idea makes the most sense.

JillDine said...

3 because if things go sour you can still 2

Anonymous said...

LOL nobody wants to do #1, so I shall do it!

Hidden Blogger said...

Moar! :D

Lewis Chan said...


James said...

I choose 3. Bronston sounds like Bronson.

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